Saturday 29 October 2016

Audio : President Mugabe says Norton losing candidate is a thief

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President Mugabe has described the losing Zanu-Pf Candidate for the Norton By-Election , Ronald Chindeza, mockingly remarking that he lost to Temba Mliswa-now known by the moniker, “The Bull” because he is a thief.

“Iyezvino takaita election yekuNorton, yakakanganiswa zvikuru kuru. Ndokunotora chimbavha zvacho, chimbavha, munhu anga asinga….anga asingadiwi nevanhu, asingazivikanwe futi nevanhu. Hameno kuti ipapapa vakuru vedu vakapotsa. Vakapapotsa sei? 

I hope we don’t make such a disastrous mistake in the future.”( We had a by-election in Norton and we messed up bigtime. They just handpicked a crook, a crook whom the electorate didn’t like. I wonder how we made such a blunder. I hope we don’t make such a disastrous mistake in the future)

Mliswa trounced Chindeza with nearly 3000 votes!

The results were:Mliswa 8927, Chindedza 6192 and little known Choga polled 89 votes.

Listen to the Audio below

The Norton parliamentary seat fell vacant after Zanu PF expelled Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) leader Christopher Mutsvangwa in July 2016 for allegedly fuelling factionalism and disrespecting the First Family.


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