Tuesday 26 May 2015

Cheating woman develops male organ?

HARARE – In a suspected case of juju a 19 year old woman reportedly developed a male organ on her private parts after cheating with a married man.

Gaudancia Chihurunga, accompanied by her relatives consulted a self styled prophet from Johane Masowe Yechishanu Madzibaba Starleen Nhamo on Sunday 24 May 2014, at the shrine in Glen Norah near Mukuvisi Bridge for assistance.

When H metro visited the shrine, Highfield and Glen Norah residents including some from Waterfalls, sacrificed to remove their shoes complying with Madzibaba Starleen’s traditional way of worshipping in an effort to witness how Gaudancia would be helped.

Gaudancia, who was struggling to walk, was called before the congregation and received prophecies from Madzibaba Starleen along with Madzibaba Benji, real name Daniel Matamba.

She confirmed cheating with a married man and living as a prostitute in her effort to support her single parent identified only as Leonard, a popular traditional healer in Gokwe.

“The male organ developed on my privates after I had sexual intercourse with a married man and from that day I am living in pain,” said Gaudancia before the congregation. 

“I have come to seek assistance after failing to find solutions from other traditional healers.

“My father is also a well-known traditional healer in Gokwe.I feel the pain more whenever I want to take a bath and I confess before the congregation and declare that I will not cheat again,” said Gaudancia.

The congregation was asked to sing spiritual songs Usakwidzane nerima and Jeremiah Tine Ngoma.

Madzibaba Benji requested for cooking oil and ashes from the shrine and knelt down in prayer before asking four elderly women to visit the toilet along with Gaudancia to examine her and they came claiming that male organ had disappeared.

The congregation stood up singing what they termed spiritual songs thanking God for the healing while her relatives stood by the side of Madzibaba Benji and Starleen they prayed for Gaudancia.

Madzibaba ordered Gaudancia to shave her hair and repent saying that something worse would cath up with her if she continued with prostitution.

“If God of nature has sent me, I declare that you are delivered and I want three elderly women to go and check if that male organ is still there,” declared madzibaba Starleen.

“Your hair must be shaved and show signs of repentance. If you fail to do that, something worse is going to befall you,” he added.

Water in a clay pot was used on Gaudancia as she received prayers from the congregation saying she was bleeding and feeling less pain than before. H Metro

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