Monday 18 May 2015

PSG and Brazil defender David Luiz vows to abstain from sex till he is married

David Luiz
PSG and Brazil defender David Luiz has vowed to abstain from sex until he is married. The former Chelsea man, who regularly talks about his Christian faith, was recently baptised – and says he will remain a virgin until he has married girlfriend Sara Madeira.

Luiz, who attends the Pentecostal Hillsong Church, was baptised in the swimming pool of PSG team-mate Maxwell, and took to Instagram to make his views clear. “I have chosen to wait,” the 28-year-old said in a post on the social media platform.

Luiz went on to quote the following Bible verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV).” “How wonderful to live with you Lord, thank You for loving me so much and taking care of me!” he added.

“My life is yours, and I am your servant! You’re always in the centre of all my decisions! I love my God! Amen.” Fellow Brazilian Kaka also abstained from sex until he married Caroline Celico in 2005 at the age of 23, explaining his views in an interview three years later.

“I am a great example,” Kaka said. “The majority of people say that after marriage, they don’t like jumping into bed with their partner because there is no desire. “However, this is not true, my wife is the person I love and it was worth waiting.

“A lot of people were surprised and shocked with me but I think it’s the best decision. I am an evangelist and I believe in those values.

“I think people need to prevent themselves from making love before marriage,” he added. “Of course, everyone has their own opinions but I think it was worth the wait.” EuroSport

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