Saturday 23 May 2015

Soldier cohabits with 14-year-old minor

City of Mutare
MUTARE – An outlawed marriage between a 14-year-old girl and a soldier which was swept under the carpet came out recently after the girl – now 16 – approached the courts seeking maintenance for their eight month old baby.

Allen Muronza, who impregnated and cohabitated with the minor two years ago, on Monday appeared before Mrs Yeukai Chigodora who quickly reminded him of his crime.

The court warned Muronza that having a sexual relationship with a minor was a criminal offence known as rape even though it was by consent.

He was also told that had someone reported the matter, he would have been arrested and served his term in prison.

Mrs Yeukai Chigodora ordered the soldier to pay $120 as maintenance for the upkeep of his child.

Muronza had offered $100 claiming he was looking after three of his siblings but the court told him that the welfare of his child took precedence of all other obligations in his life.

“I was in Form 3 when he impregnated me Your Worship and I had to leave school and start living with him. Now that he has sent me packing, I want to go back to school and further my education. I want $200 which will cater for my school fees and my child’s upkeep.” Manica Post

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