Wednesday 3 June 2015

Jah Prayzah fires manager

Filda Muchabaiwa
Contemporary musician Jah Prayzah has fired his manager of nine years Filda Muchabaiwa for working with the musician’s “copycat” Andy Muridzo, it has emerged. Muchabaiwa had worked with Jah Prayzah since the musician released some single tracks in 2006.

Sources close to the two said their relationship became sour after the musician realised that Muchabaiwa was doubling as Muridzo’s manager.

Muridzo is widely regarded as Jah Prayzah’s copycat because of the similarities in their voices and beats.

“Jah Prayzah has no problem with the young musician but because he is passionate about his brand he felt it was not possible for Muchabaiwa to manage the two artistes,” said the source.

He said Muchabaiwa would take Muridzo as their curtain raiser and the musician would get more money than his usual rates.

“Another issue was that of her (Muchabaiwa) inability in handling the corporate world. Jah felt there was need to engage someone who can handle the brand that is on demand at the moment,” said the source.

The source said the situation was tense for the past two weeks with the two failing to engage in their weekly meetings.

“It was not well and they were just waiting for the day to come. Separation was inevitable because at Jah’s recent album launch Muchabaiwa did not take any part,” he said.

Jah Prayzah refused to comment on the issue and referred questions to his lawyer Eddie Hamunakwadi .

The lawyer confirmed the development saying they were now working on the modalities of the separation.

“It was an amicable separation and for now we are working on the modalities of the separation,” he said.

Muchabaiwa refused to shed light on the matter.

“I have no comment on that matter,” she said.

The Herald Entertainment is reliably informed that after the separation, Muchabaiwa was demanding that the Mercedes Benz C200 she gave the musician some years back. be returned.

“She claims Jah Prayzah owes her a lot including a car she gave him when he started live performances and she wants it back,” said the insider.

He said she is also claiming a lot of money from the musician prompting him to engage the services of Hamunakwadi to handle the matter.

In the meantime, Jah Prayzah’s publicist Keen Mashipaidze is managing the band. The Herald

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