Tuesday 23 June 2015

Mujuru to challenge President Mugabe in 2018 Polls

The War Continues: Joice Mujuru vs Robert Mugabe
Former Vice President Mujuru and President Mugabe
Former Presidential Affairs minister Didymus Mutasa says former Vice-President Joice Mujuru will contest the 2018 presidential elections. 

Mutasa, who falls under a group of disgruntled former Zanu PF members who are regrouping under a new name, People First, said Mujuru would carry the group’s mantle.

“Definitely, Mujuru will contest for presidency in 2018. She is not alone and we will be there helping each other. We haven’t changed that stance.” READ MORE AFTER THE CUT

The former minister of security would however not say much about Mujuru, who was fired together with several other officials on allegations of plotting to oust President Robert Mugabe (91).

“We will tell you about the party when we think it is necessary. We know there are people who are very enthusiastic to have a party with that name [People First] but we haven’t agreed as yet on the name,” said Mutasa. The Standard

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