Tuesday 23 June 2015

Prophet Magaya attacks his lieutenants for failing to make meaningful offering

Prophet Magaya
PROPHETIC, Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries founder Walter Magaya has attacked his lieutenants' failure to make meaningful offering.

Magaya told congregants at his church on Sunday, during a church service, which coincided with Father's Day celebrations, Magaya also ripped into his lieutenants' failure to make meaningful offerings, attacking one senior pastor who had pledged $11 as a present for Father's Day. READ MORE AFTER THE CUT

"Look, I was just looking at the figures of money that people were pledging towards Father's Day, but I was shocked with the figures and a person whom I gave more than $20 000 today, he said it's Father's Day (and) he pledges $11. 

Who bought the car you are driving?" asked Magaya, to which the pastor's response was: "It's you prophet."

Prophet Walter Magaya holds a sample of the new annointing oil as he introduces into to thousands of his congregation during their big Sunday service yesterday - Copy

Magaya then continued: "You have to lead by example as pastors and don't pretend to be Christians. Be true Christians and when you give you are not giving me, you are giving to the house of God and that money goes to help the needy and nation, no extra purpose and if we misuse the funds, we will not be here today."  Newsday

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