Sunday 5 July 2015

Single women now resorting to TRICKS to lure men into marriage

As Zimbabwe’s economic woes deepen, women have not been spared. A new breed of desperate single women have pinned, by hook and crook, their hopes on marriage as a way of securing a better feature.

Some of them have gone further and resorted to buying positive pregnancy test results. This practice is slowly gaining popularity and seems common among those in their late 20s and early to mid-30s.

Several women who spoke to the Weekend Post said pregnancy was a sure way of trapping a man into marriage.

Admire Chivanga, who sells the pregnancy positive test first got the idea after he returned from South Africa in 2014.

Chivanga said back in Mzansi the business was very lucrative as South African women were cunningly using the tactic on foreign men.

“When I got here I realised that many of my sisters were going the traditional route of using herbs and potions to lure men so I decided to sell these tests.

“Not much is required really. Most of the women prefer the plastic tests as opposed to the strips because they claim the more expensive the test, the more believable it is to the guy,” Chivanga said.

He said his clientele, which includes working class women, can fork out between $10 and $30 for a single pregnancy test.
Chivanga said most of his clients say they have been successful in getting married after the lie, but for the unfortunate ones they can fake a miscarriage due to “stress” or “abort”.

Chivanga is not the only one into the business. Mai Tino or Lucy as she prefers to be called, also saw an opportunity with the enterprise.

Lucy, a single mother of two, said the idea emerged when one of her friends was desperate to get married to her long-time boyfriend.

single women

The Kuwadzana 5 resident narrates how she was coerced into taking the test during the first trimester of her second pregnancy and gave the test to her friend.

“I thought she was joking but when she returned saying the man was arranging to marry her, a bulb flashed.

“Since then I have been approaching even pregnant women I do not know so that they take the test for me, in return I give a cut from the sale,” Lucy said.

She said during a good month, she can get nearly $300 after deducting the price of buying the test and paying the women’s services. Leah, one of Chivanga’s happy customers said despite her husband being a married man when they initially met, she still wanted to be his wife.

She said she had weighed all her options and falling pregnant seemed like the most successful one for her. Leah said she faked a miscarriage while the lobola negotiations were underway and only got pregnant genuinely after the traditional marriage.
“I went to great lengths for this man but I was not prepared to lace his food with a love potion or bewitch him.

“The thought of him eating some unknown medicine broke my heart. When I heard of Admire (Chivanga) I saw my chance and now because of that I am married,” she said.

Source:Weekend Post

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