Tuesday, 1 September 2015

STANDING FOR GOD: Kentucky clerk defies Supreme Court and invokes 'God's authority' as she continues denying gay couples marriage licenses

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled against Davis (pictured Tuesday), who has repeatedly refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses because she said it goes against her Christian conviction
Kim Davis
A defiant Kentucky county clerk today once again rejected same-sex couples' requests for marriage licenses, saying she’s doing so 'under God's authority' despite a ruling by the US Supreme Court .

Rowan County clerk Kim Davis emerged from her office Tuesday morning after two couples were denied the licenses. She asked David Moore and David Ermold, who have been turned away four times, to leave. They refused, surrounded by reporters and cameras.

Ermold said: ‘We're not leaving until we have a license.’ Davis responded: ‘Then you're going to have a long day.’ Her supporters cheered from the back of the room: ‘Praise the Lord’ and ‘stand your ground.’

Joe Davis, Kim's husband, was also on hand at the Rowan County Courthouse to land hi support to the embattled clerk, telling reporters that his wife is 'standing for God' and compared her to the biblical figures Paul and Silas.

Mr Davis claimed that Kim has received death threats, and the couple changed their phone number, But he said he's not afraid, and he believes in the Second Amendment.'I'm an old redneck hillbilly, that's all I've got to say. Don't come knocking on my door.' 

Pointing to gay rights protesters gathered on the courthouse lawn and said: 'They want us to accept their beliefs and their ways. But they won't accept our beliefs and our ways.' 

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