Wednesday 7 October 2015

Former Dynamos Player assaults pregnant girl

Former Dynamos FC player, Leo Kurauzvione
Leo Kurauzvione
HARARE – Former Dynamos FC player, Leo Kurauzvione, reportedly teamed up with his mother to insult and assault his younger brother’s 15-year-old pregnant girlfriend after she had eloped to the boyfriend.

Kurauzvione’s younger brother Innocent aged 21, also stands accused of having slept with with an under aged girl. 

This emerged at the Harare magistrates court where Leo is being charged with assault. His younger brother, Innocent, is being charged with making threats whilst his mother, Netsai Ndoro is being charged with assault.

The trio separately denied the charges when they appeared before magistrate Victoria Mashamba who remanded them out of custody to October 13 for trial. The bail was set at US$100 bail each. Prosecutor Desire Chidanire told the court that Innocent Kurauzvione had an intimate love relationship with the girl since September of the last year.

The two reportedly had unprotected sex on several occasions with consent. It is said the girl dropped from school after falling pregnant which then forced her to inform her father about pregnancy. The teenager is said to have eloped to Innocent afterwards.

This did not go down well with Innocent’s mother, Netsai Ndoro, who allegedly started hurling insults at the pregnant girl. Netsai is said to have fetched a baton and started assaulting the pregnant teenager saying she was not prepared to accept her as her in law.

Reports are that the 15-year-old then called Leo who was in Kadoma seeking help but she was shocked to receive a barrage of insults and threats before she was allegedly assaulted by the 34-year-old former soccer player.

Irked by the trio’s actions, the 15 year old went to lodge a complaint with the police leading to their arrest. They were then taken to court where they were separately charged. Leo, his mother and younger brother are expected back in court on October 13 for trial.

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