Wednesday 7 October 2015

University students turn to prostitution to cover their upkeep

University students turn to prostitution
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PRETORIA – Students studying in various universities here are engaging in prostitution arguing that they need to cover accommodation, clothing and food requirements.

While female students are into the ‘old profession’ of thigh vending, male students are reported to be absconding lessons to engage in drugs and robbery.

In an interview with H-Metro one of the students (name withheld) claimed that economic hardships are forcing them into the streets day and night due to the declining value of the South African Rand.

“My uncle is managing to pay for my fees but cannot afford to buy clothes and food leaving me with no choice but to try my luck in the streets,” said one of the students begging for anonymity.

“Most of the young ladies along this street are students from neighbouring countries and most of the apartments in Arcadia and Hatfield areas accommodate foreigners.”

“Food is expensive here and as a young lady I want the best clothes so my uncle cannot afford all this after paying my fees. For better money we risk our lives by engaging in unprotected since protected sex for a short time ranges between R20 to R50 depending with clients and how you negotiate.

“For unprotected sex you sometimes get R200 for a short time and as we do this our brothers are engaging in robberies and talking illicit drugs. Most of them are no longer attending lessons.

“They survive by bribing police officers besides that most of them could have been deported for serious crimes if they were to be taken before the courts of law.

“Because of unprotected sex most pregnancies are being aborted and there is competition among doctors leading them to charge as little as R70 to abort,” she said indicating that she is expecting her boyfriend in Zimbabwe to marry her next year.

“Our brothers are not spared, even white young girls are not spared as they wait by the street corners in Arcadia and Hatfield areas to hook up with men for sex.”

H-Metro spotted young white, coloured and black girls in Arcadia area roaming the streets corner of Leyds Street and Francis Baard Street. More worrying is a sticker on a tree, a few meters from a police station with contacts of doctors charging R70 to abort pregnancies.

We witnessed ladies loitering for prostitution at a place called Capital Inn popularly known as “Sodom and Gomorrah ” in the Arcadia area where men will be waiting to be hooked into apartments.

The place has almost everything like cash dispensers of various banks so that they cannot runaway from the prostitutes while downing “wise waters at the same place. One of the H-Metro moles urged parents and guardians with students studying here to closely monitor and give enough support to the students as their lives may be in danger.

“Most of the students …. are engaging in unprotected sex with Nigerians,” revealed the mole.” There is a night club where the students give their women hood to male prostitutes and their years to cruel men and I urge parents and guardians with students here to closely monitor their children studying here.”

“Most of them are lying that they are still at various universities when they spend time hooking up with lustful men,” added the mole. H Metro

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