Wednesday 28 October 2015

The world's richest man turns 60 today

Bill Gates
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and noted philanthropist, is officially a sexagenarian.

The world’s richest man turns 60 today, and the occasion as inspired a mess of tributes to the man across the internet. TechRadar, for example, notes that Gates’ parents actually wanted him to become a lawyer, and they thank him for choosing to go into computers instead.
Entertainment Weekly ran an old interview with Gates where he made several eerily prescient predictions for the future, including predictions about digital media and online advertising.

Here are a few tweets celebrating the birthday:

Happy 60th Birthday @BillGates! 

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) October 28, 2015
Bill Gates turns 60: 5 ways he wants to change the world @BillGates 

— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) October 28, 2015
Happy Birthday @BillGates! 

— Microsoft Germany (@MicrosoftDE) October 28, 2015
Happy Birthday, Bill.

Source Fortune Magazine

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