Monday 26 October 2015

Zanele ‘s death has made Prof Moyo turn to God

Education Minister Jonathan Moyo
HIGHER education minister Jonathan Moyo told mourners that he had turned to Christ following the tragedy that claimed the life of his daughter Zanele.

He said this on Friday as he laid his daughter, Zanele, to rest at Glen Forest in Harare. But the tragic Zanele’s profound and enduring gift, to Zimbabwe likely, is probably the lesson she taught her father with her untimely passing.

“We’re all God’s people no matter whatever titles or stations in life,” Moyo said in his graveside address.

“I saw that this was a reminder of the truth that many have always known that they live every day. For others and myself, this was a profound lesson.”

Moyo is a combative, unapologetic and, some would say, hard-hearted defender of President Robert Mugabe’s regime which is accused of gross human rights abuses.

As a politician, Moyo gives no quarter, knows no empathy and is often dismissive of the losses of others, especially rivals.

Quite recently, Moyo said of the disappeared human rights activist Itai Dzamara that “people disappear everyday”, clearly unconcerned about the long missing campaigner’s hurting wife and little children.

But speaking as a suffering father on Friday, Moyo was more embracing of others, saying his daughter had taught him that “all people are God’s children”.

“I found myself renewing my own faith and presenting myself to the Lord because of the power of the messages from the pastors. The message shall be a part of me for as long as I live.”

Zanele, aged 20, was found dead in her off-campus apartment in South Africa. She was a second year student at the University of South Africa.

The cause of death remains unclear with South African authorities having reportedly said results of toxicology tests would not be available for five years.

Moyo expressed his gratitude for the support the family received from Zimbabweans over the tragedy.

“I thank President Mugabe, Cabinet Ministers and everyone for your support throughout the week especially upon our return with the body of my dear angel daughter on Wednesday.”

His Kenyan wife Beatrice added: “We’ve left our children to be brought up by technology when we the parents are there.”

It was quite shocking to some that Professor Jonathan Moyo would even listen to what pastors preach about God and man believed that he truly has turned to God this time. In April 2012 Jonathan Moyo pulled a shocker when he accused Prophet TB Joshua of being part of the conspiracy in the death of Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika. 

He alleged that President wa Mutharika had been killed by his enemies who used TB Joshua’s pronouncement to divert attention from them. Prof Moyo alleged that President Mutharika had died as a result of intelligence operation.

“TB Joshua’s involvement in this tragedy smacks more of a plot than a prophecy. One thing for sure is that there is no prophecy here but just a prediction if one is to give him a benefit of doubt. In some circles there is even spirited speculation in well informed circles that TB Joshua had privileged intelligence information about a death plot against President wa Mutharika and the plotters used him as their microphone to divert attention from them and let the death appear like it was an act of God when it was an intelligence operation,” he claimed.

Then recently, about 30 days ago, Moyo also rubbished United Family International Church leader Emmanuel Makandiwa’s prophecy about Zimbabwe’s untapped massive oil reserves as rubbish.

“Prophets around the world say weird things. The difference in our case is that too many fools entertain the crap,” Moyo said on his twitter handle.

He was responding to a tweet by journalist, Sure Kamhunga who had said: “Zimbabwe prophet says country has rich oil reserves, which he saw in his vision. No words.”

On August 29, Makandiwa told thousands of people who attended Ufic’s Judgement Night 3 crusade in Harare that God had showed him the area where massive oil deposits would be discovered in Zimbabwe.


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