Tuesday 3 November 2015

Latest on N.ude model:Denies Pics,Blames photoshop

THE trial of Harare Polytechnic College student, who made headlines recently after images were leaked of her flashing her privates at adjudicators during a beauty pageant, started in Harare Tuesday.

Panashe Zhaware, 21, was accused of public indecency but she denied the charge arguing that the images were interfered with using the Photoshop image manipulation software.

Through her lawyer, Musindo Hungwe, Zhaware said this was done to tarnish her. “My client would argue that these are baseless and malicious allegations meant to tarnish her reputation,” he argued.

However, chief witness, Admire Masuku who works in the media department at the college insisted that Zhaware indeed exposed her knicker-less privates.
“She was wearing a red long dress with a slit that extended to her waist,” said Masuku.

“As she walked on the ramp one would clearly see her thighs. She then stepped on another end of her slit and at that moment her privates were exposed.

“I could clearly see that she was not putting on any undies.” He added, “We were then confronted by other models the following Monday.
“They asked if we had shot any nude pictures of the girl so we went to the studio to verify if there were any pictures of that kind.

“I can confirm the pictures had an element of indecency; for example other photos were showing her breasts and thighs.”

Masuku however, said according to standard practice such photos are not kept. Zhaware is out of custody on $100 bail. Prosecutors alleged that Harare Polytechnic College held a modelling show in July this year.

Zhaware, who is studying Tourism and Hospitality, contested the pageant which was for the Miss Harare Polytechnic crown.

According to the prosecutor, nothing was reported amiss when other models went on stage. However, when Zhaware’s turn came, she went on stage without her panties.

The prosecutor said the model held her dress and stretched it wide open exposing her genitals to everyone in the room.

Photos of the model exposing herself were leaked to a Harare tabloid, leading to investigations by the police.

Zhaware was subsequently arrested.


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