Wednesday 13 January 2016

Sir Wicknell buys a $69 000 Car for Warriors coach Pasuwa


This is the car that businessman Wicknell Chivayo has bought for the Warriors coach, Kalisto Pasuwa. He said he paid $69 000 for the 2016 new shape Toyota D4D.

He said : I just paid a quick small 69 thousand dollars yesterday morning for this car which I am whole heartedly giving to the national team coach on his return from CHAN. 

You can be a billionaire, own a beautiful mansion and a private jet, drive nice cars but you still need to understand this very clearly “success is measured by your ability to give and how many people you bless. 

If I fell sick today the whole world would shake with prayers from people fasting and begging the almighty God to spare my life. 

The best dreams are the ones you help others achieve so even though I’ve received a lot of threats and criticism about this ZIFA support. It must be noted that I’ll never ever be intimidated for supporting national programmes and I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure soccer in Zimbabwe improves.

This is my very small way of saying thank you to the Commander in Chief who is also the head of state and government His Excellency President Robert Gabriel Baba Chatunga Mugabe for his policies that made me a true millionaire.”

Source : Online

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