Thursday 14 January 2016

Zim man in UK stabs girlfriend to death after she came home with a ‘new’ boyfriend


BOLTON: A SPURNED lover stabbed his former girlfriend to death at her Rochdale home, a court heard Wednesday.

Josphat Mutekedza, a British soldier originally from Zimbabwe, waited for care home nurse Miriam Nyazema at her house in Shawclough last July and repeatedly struck her with a knife after she returned with her new partner, prosecutors allege.

Bolton Crown Court heard that Mutekedza, 36, had started a relationship with Nyazema in 2013, while also seeing a woman at his home in Eastbourne.

Josphat Mutekedza
Josephat Mutekedza
Mark Kellet, opening the prosecution’s case, said the defendant stabbed 37-year-old Miss Nyazema in the face, chest, shoulder and back on July 28 last year, after she arrived at her home with new boyfriend Jacob Chigombe, who was visiting her from Zimbabwe.

Kellet said neighbours tried in vain to help Nyazema when she made it to their front garden, still with a knife stuck in her back – but were forced to flee after Mutekedza threatened them with a BB gun.

Mutekedza, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to manslaughter on Monday but has denied a count of murder.Addressing the jury, Kellet said: “The defendant has admitted the unlawful killing and stabbing of Miriam Nyazema.

“The Crown say that by stabbing her repeatedly with such severe force, he must have intended to kill her or, at the very least, cause serious harm. What other intention could he have?”

During the prosecution’s opening, the court heard one of two 999 calls made by Mutekedza from the crime scene, during which he admitted stabbing Nyazema.

During the call, he tells the operator: “I stabbed her myself.” And later: “She has been cheating on me. When I came home she was with another man.”

Kellet said the defendant left his home in Eastbourne at 8am on the day of Nyazema’s death, telling his partner he was going to work.From there, the prosecution asserts that the defendant, a private with the Territorial Army, went to Carter Barracks, where he retrieved the BB gun later used to threaten the family.

He then travelled to Shawside Nursing Home in Shaw, where Nyazema was at work.She left the home alone after a colleague distracted Mutekedza at her request, after which he made his way to Asda in Shaw, where he called a taxi to her home at Shawclough Way.

Two ANPR cameras show Nyazema’s car was in Rochdale town centre at 8.46pm and 9.41pm, after which she made the two-mile journey to Shawclough.

Kellet stated that Mutekedza stabbed her repeatedly on return, with Chigombe fleeing the scene.It is alleged the defendant then threw a metal bar and small stool at Nyazema as she lay injured in a neighbour’s garden.Police received several calls from concerned neighbours and arrived on the scene a short time later.

Paramedics tried to save her, but she was pronounced dead at 11.15pm at the Royal Oldham Hospital.A post-mortem from Dr Charles Wilson attributed her death to her severe loss of blood and the collapse of both her lungs, caused by stab wounds.


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