Wednesday 3 February 2016

' I miss life in the Ghetto' - Alick Macheso

Alick Macheso
Alick Macheso says he misses ghetto life. He said he missed the free interaction with his neighbours in the ghetto. He said it was rare for him to chat with his neighbours in Waterfalls as most of them would be locked inside their gates.

“I only got inside one neighbour’s house once when I was paying my condolences. It is unlike in Chitungwiza where we would gather around and chat with people. Here people mind their own business. It is very rare to see people,” he said.

While many musicians are finding the going tough, it is evidently not the case for the Sungura maestro. His house stands out as one of the posh homes in Waterfalls. It is colour fully painted, thanks to his deal with a local paint company.

 While a peep over the pre-cast wall showed a fleet of cars adding up to about seven, Macheso told the Standard that he loved bicycles.

“I have two bicycles that I ride occasionally. The bicycles are very strong and I can go up to 80km/hr. I hate motor-bikes and I have never ridden one,” he said.

This is not surprising for a man who grew up as a farm labourer in Shamva. Macheso said that his most memorable show was when he was still with the Khiama Boys. He said most of the time they would spend time outside Harare as they toured the country-side.

“During my time with Khiama Boys, we would travel a lot; most of the time we would go outside the country. I have been all over,” he said.

Source : Online

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