Sunday 28 February 2016

Latest on Trevor Dongo and Mudiwa

Trevor Dongo
Swanky local hip-hop rapper Mudiwa Hood’s “friendly gesture” landed him in hot soup after he accepted a gong on behalf of Trevor Dongo without the crooner’s permission at the 2016 Zimbabwe Music Awards (Zima) on Thursday.

Dongo, who at the time of the ceremony was in Canada for a concert, mercilessly tore into Mudiwa with vitriolic posts on Facebook, leaving Mudiwa with no choice but to apologise for what he thought was an act of friendship.

“Tinotenda Mwari neAward yandatora iyo [We thank God for the award]! This is just the beginning of great things. Ko Mudiwa Hood amhanya kuno collecter award yangu pastage akamira saani [In whose capacity did Mudiwa Hood run to the stage to receive an award on my behalf] if I may ask?” posted Dongo on his Facebook wall, before adding that his friendship with the Anhu Acho Tisu singer does not stretch that far.

“Handitambi newe to that level Mudiwa.[Our friendship does not stretch to that extent] I had vanhu vangu [my people] representing me ikoko woda kunyepa kuti ndini ndakutuma [you want to lie that I sent you], you are full of ‘I know’, but watamba nemuswe weshumba” [You dragging yourself into a dangerous situation].

Born Mudiwa Mutandwa, the rapper — who almost tripped himself while rushing to give an acceptance speech on stage where he claimed he was asked to do so by Dongo — was quick to apologise on the same platform.

“I am very very sorry Trevor Dongo, it took over 2 [two] minutes without anyone showing signs of collecting your award and having spoken to you yesterday saying you [are] in Germany, waiting for a flight to Canada, I thought since you [were] not there maybe your manager did not make it too,” responded Mudiwa on Facebook.

“…May you find it in your heart to forgive me my brother, for what I thought could have been an act of love…”
However, this response did not go down well with Dongo, who poured more scorn at the gospel rapper, even employing obscene language in his rhetoric.

“I had my two beautiful representatives there, don’t f*ck with me Mudiwa…”

The rant had an injurious effect on Dongo, who later deleted the post from his page.

Mudiwa, who attested his worry over people’s negative comments towards Dongo however, told The Standard Style that he is maintaining his stance of forgiveness because “we are all human and no one is perfect”.

“I was hurt a lot because I am a human being but I have forgiven him because he is still young and growing up,” said Mudiwa. “People make mistakes, it is not a matter of proving who is right or wrong.”

However, sources said Mudiwa’s intention was to square off with rival Desmond “Stunner” Chideme, who had accompanied ExQ to get his second award earlier that night.


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