Saturday 12 March 2016

Mutsvangwa must accept his fate and keep quiet - Cde Chinotimba

Cde Chinotimba
HARARE – Joseph Chinotimba says axed War Veterans minister Christopher Mutsvangwa must “shut up” and “accept his fate”.

The Buhera South Zanu PF MP gave the cheeky advice after being door-stopped by journalists after the aborted National Assembly debate yesterday.

Mutsvangwa was fired last week after serving as a Cabinet minister for only one year, together with his wife Monica. They were fired for gross misconduct and disloyalty.

In the wake of his dismissal, Mutsvangwa said he regrets serving as a Cabinet minister, saying the time he spent in government was “the most unproductive period” in his life.

Chinotimba said Mutsvangwa’s “unnecessary comments” were only aiding his further fall from grace to grass. “Mutsvangwa must accept the position of the politburo and must keep quiet and stop commenting unnecessarily,” Chinotimba said.

“War vets represent president Mugabe, he is our patron and Mutsvangwa must know how he is appointed and accept his fate.”

Mutsvangwa is part of dozens of Zanu PF party cadres that have fallen victim to the factional tsunami sweeping across the former liberation movement.

His fall from grace began when he was booted out of Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA), together with Victor Matemadanda and Headman Moyo.

Mutsvangwa and his colleagues did not take this lying down, saying the votes-of-no-confidence were unconstitutional, and ill-advisedly fought their dismissal through the courts and attempted to stage a demonstration in Harare that was quashed by police.

An angry Mugabe savaged Mutsvangwa in a televised address to the nation, virtually signalling the end of the career both in the former liberation movement and in government of the former leader of the war veterans, an alleged kingpin of the party faction loyal to Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Without mincing his words, Mugabe pointedly accused the garullous Mutsvangwa of having misled war veterans into trooping into Harare — where they were battered by police — after they were made to believe that the nonagenarian would address them.

The former Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation director was subsequently shown the exit door over allegations of gross indiscipline.

He also watched helplessly as the axe fell on his wife who was fired as deputy minister of Macro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion over the same alleged offence.

And now Chinotimba believes it’s time Mutsvangwa accepts his fate.

“He must follow what Jabulani Sibanda (ex-ZNLWVA leader) did when he was sacked. I was also sacked at one point when I was war veterans’ leader,” Chinotimba said.

Mutsvangwa, Matemadanda and Moyo played supporting roles in the circumstances which led to Sibanda’s ouster and were duly rewarded with the titles they have now been stripped of.

“During my tenure we spent seven years trying to see the president but we couldn’t. It’s about protocol. You don’t see him when you want. I gave him this advice,” Chinotimba said.

Source-Daily News

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