Thursday 12 May 2016

Kuwadzana 21 year old man designs a car

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WHILE many think failing one’s Ordinary Level (“O” Level) is the end of the road, Romario Kashitigu has defied odds after he invented a water pump-powered motor vehicle.

The 21-year-old’s two-seater car is now the talk of Harare’s Kuwadzana Extension suburb. From picking up the pieces of disused motor vehicles’ metal, the former Dzivarasekwa High 1 student is now riding on wheels.

“I spent nearly two months designing this car. Some people think that I was on drugs, but I told myself that despite all the criticism I will achieve what I want.

“It’s a farm car, due to its low speed this car is suitable for farmers and I want to thank my friends who helped me with a welding machine and some helped me with ideas.

“When I was growing up, my dream was to invent a new thing and after I failed my “O” Levels I started to think on what to do before this idea of designing a car came to my mind,” Kashitigu said.

He said his car is unique as it is different from modern cars. Despite using a water pump-powered engine, the car is propelled by motorcycle chains. With fuel worth just a dollar, Kashitigu said he can spend the whole day driving around his hood.

“My car use petrol but if I get funding I can make an engine which uses diesel. I can spend the whole day moving around in Kuwadzana Extension using this car. Each time I drive this car around, people stand and stare in awe. Even those with big modern cars always ask me about this car, which has become the talk of the suburb.”

Kashitigu said he hopes to invent more engineering products, adding that for now he will concentrate on building cars.

“I am still young and I have big dreams. I want to make a small car with wooden boards, which can also be used as a boat.”

Kashitigu, however, said he is facing financial challenges to achieve his dreams. “The truth of the matter is that financial problems are negatively affecting my project. “If I can get sponsorship, I can do bigger things. Only the sky is the limit and I believe I have a bright future.”

With many youths now abusing drugs for them to forget their sorrows of failing to get employment, Kashitigu urged his age mates to be more innovative.

“I want to urge many youths to stay away from drugs and come up with innovative ideas, which can help them to get something for their own survival,” he added.

Most of these dangerous drugs are now linked with a variety of health problems ranging from addiction, mental disturbances, cancer, heart problems and tuberculosis. Reports indicate around 50 percent of admissions at mental institutions in Zimbabwe are attributed to substance-induced disorders.

Source-Weekend Post

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