Sunday 8 May 2016

' My wife gave her family $1000 of our money without my knowledge'

Mai Chisamba
I am a married man aged 42 and my wife is 40. We are blessed with two boys and a daughter. The letter from last week about the moody boyfriend prompted me to share my sad experience with you.

I am very slow to anger but if pushed to the limits, dzikadambuka dzadambuka.

Over the years my wife had the upper hand in most things that we did as a couple; not because I wanted that but I wanted to avoid unnecessary fights.

My parents were never amused and in most cases my mother would call me dofo rakadyiswa. I am rightfully the head of the family and I should be consulted when certain transactions take place.

Recently we sold one of our cars. I instructed my wife to receive the US$5 000 and bank it. I never followed that up because I believed all was well.

I got the shock of my life when a message that was meant for my wife came to me by mistake. My wife’s friend was apologising on her husband’s behalf kuti varasiswa so vakutadza kudzosa the US$4 000 in time.

I went mad. I did not want to believe this was true. I consoled myself by thinking the message was not intended for either of us.

I phoned my wife to ask about it and she told me that she had loaned the couple US$4 000 and the other US$1 000 she had given to her mum because she wanted to sort out something urgently.

I was never consulted when all this was occurring. My parents are still alive and I have never done such a thing for them.

If such things can be done behind my back how many other things am I not aware of? US$5 000!

It’s been two months since that incident but not a single cent has been brought back. I have tried to take measures that I will not discuss here but it has been to no avail. We have had fights but still ane nharo.

The children have been affected by this badly.

She has moved out of the bedroom and I have given her an ultimatum that if that money is not back then we call it quits. I have had enough of this woman.

Source-Sunday Mail

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