Monday 13 June 2016

Macheso turns 48...

Alick Macheso
Alick Macheso says with the economy in the doldrums most musicians cannot afford to retire from the stage.

Macheso who turned 48 last Friday said he will have to keep going. “It does not make sense for us musicians to say we would retire at this age because we don’t have pensions. This is the time we try to invest so that when we die our children will have something to benefit from.”

Macheso also said sungura will not die. “Yes dancehall has been dominating for the past years but sungura is part of our culture and we will defend it as much as we can. I will defend it to the grave.”

His album “Tsoka Dzerwendo” has been well received by fans with critics arguing that he managed to bring back the genre on the limelight.

“The album title was timely because at 48 a lot has happened in my life but my mother, family and fans have stood by me,” he said. Musicians that include Suluman Chimbetu, Leonard Zhakata, Peter Moyo, Progress Chipfumo and Faheem Somanje and Freeman performed at the event.

Source: Online

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