Thursday 9 June 2016

Musician Hosiah Chipanga Joins Protest in Africa Unity Square

Musician Hosiah Chipanga passed through Africa Unity Square to show his solidarity with the activists protesting against President Mugabe’s misrule.

Missing Itai Dzamara’s Patson said :”When we started on Monday we were just over 30 of us, today was our 3rd day of the 5 to 6‬ and 80 people came through. Step by step we are getting there. Every one must join us for a better Zimbabwe.”

But he said The Herald will not break him. “For three consecutive days, my name has featured in The Herald. I know that some people may be gullible to the extend of believing what The Herald publishes. That publication is the state’s mouthpiece and yes they are doing everything they can, including lying, just to keep Mugabe and his minions in power.

They are doing all they can to set a wrong narrative about me. Their mission is to break my spine but thats not going to happen. I am stronger and bigger than that. This actually makes me more stronger and resolute.

I even found myself laughing while read a story about me which they published today. In the story, it is alleged that I perform rituals at night and that I carry tobacco snuff for the purpose. That is funny. I don’t drink, smoke or do any of those things. The only ‘ritual’ I do at night is called prayer.

I certainly expected these shots and I welcome them. None of these things move me. The penchant i have for a better Zimbabwe can never be truncated. Neither shall their mudslinging of me bring solutions to Zimbabwe’s problems.

Source: Online

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