Wednesday 8 June 2016

Zimbabwe Anit-corruption Commission probes Wikcnell's deals

Businessman Wicknell Chivayo says he is relived that the Anti Corruption Commission has launched a probe into his deals.

He said he welcomed the probe, saying that it was “a perfect platform” for him to clear his name.

“I’m actually excited and relieved. An investigation such as this one gives everyone a chance to appreciate how due process was followed on all the public tenders we won as opposed to always assuming the negative and coming up with erroneous conclusions.

“I hope they will also make their findings public when they finally appreciate that absolutely no short-cut was taken and that all procedures were followed as stipulated by the Procurement Act,” he said.

Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) chief executive, Karikoga Kaseke — who is among the targeted officials — said while he welcomed the campaign, he, however, expected ZACC to communicate with him directly, rather than through State media, over its suspicions, to avoid hurting Zimbabwean tourism.

“I personally have nothing to hide because if you are looking for the five cleanest officials in this government, I am one of them. If you are looking at two, I am one of them and if you only want one, then I am the one.

“I, however, feel that you do not need to tamper with the country’s tourism brand by communicating such things through the media because it will have far-reaching effects on this sensitive sector,” he said.

He added that “if and when” the anti-corruption commission eventually served him with their warrants, he would “not challenge them through
the media, but through the country’s legal system”.

“I am eagerly expecting the so-called warrants and as soon as I get them I will hand them over to my lawyers so I can give you a proper legal response. Otherwise, there is nothing to fear,” Kaseke said.

Source: Online

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