Monday 4 July 2016

Churches should not pay taxes - VP Mphoko

VP Mphoko
VP Phelekezela Mphoko says churches must not be taxed as they are already paying tithes to God.

“Churches in actual fact pay tithes to God and they have a way of doing it and therefore I believe taxing them is something strange. 

Churches should only pay tithes to God and as a Christian I don’t think it is the right thing (to tax them),” said VP Mphoko as he donated 3 000 chicks in Bulawayo.

 “How do you tax churches? They pay tithes to God and you go on to tax them? I surely don’t understand that.” The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (zimra), in a notice posted on its website, said churches or religious organisations were required to perform certain statutory and tax obligations as prescribed in the respective legislative provisions.

The revenue collector warned that in the event that churches failed to comply or fulfil the statutory obligations of paying the tax due, they would be forced to pay penalties and interest.

Source: Online

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