Monday 18 July 2016

SADC countries threaten import embargo on Zimbabwean made goods

Zimbabwe’s controversial ban on importing certain products has forced Zambian manufacturers to urge their government to consider increasing taxes on imports from Zimbabwe in order to create a “level playing field” for trade.

Malawi is also reviewing its import regime to Zimbabwe protesting the decision to restrict imports.

According to Zambian media, the Zambia Association of Manufacturers said manufacturers were not happy with Zimbabwe’s decision to impose import restrictions as it was being unfair to other countries.

 “We do not welcome that move. If they cannot retract on that, I think it’s time our government also retaliates because we cannot be accepting their products here whilst they are imposing certain restrictions on the imports in their country,” Roseta Mwape, the association’s president was quoted saying by the local Daily Nation.

Mwape said Zambian businesses with dealings in Zimbabwe have lost out following the imposition of the restrictions.

Source – Online

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