Monday 18 July 2016

Unemployed graduates to protest

AS the wave of protests continues, a group of unemployed graduates calling themselves the Zimbabwe Coalition for Unemployed Graduates are planning a demonstration on August 5 to express their displeasure at the current rate of unemployment in the country.

Leader of the group, Rodwell Tendai Nyika, says the organisation was formed with the sole objective of making government accountable for the high levels of unemployment in the country.

Nyika said membership of the group was open not only to graduates, but every Zimbabwean who was still able to work and did not have a job, and parents of unemployed graduates.

“We wrote to the police to seek clearance for the demonstration, which will be very peaceful and we now await their response. If we don’t get a positive response, we will go to the High Court,” he said.

Nyika said unemployment levels in the county had reached alarming proportions, adding that government needed to address the situation as a matter of urgency.

“It is very painful that someone spends four to seven years in university and uses a lot of money only to become a vendor on graduation because there are no jobs. It is a wasted investment and economic terrorism to say the least,” he said.

Nyika said they had extended invites to the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Professor Jonathan Moyo, Labour Minister, Prisca Mupfumira, and Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Minister, Patrick Zhuwao, to come and address them on the day.

“We know they will choose not to come but if they don’t, we are going to compile our transcripts and send them to them so that they know that our degrees are not helping us at all,” he said.

Source-New Zimbabwe

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