Monday 11 July 2016

Zanu Pf Legislator Munyaradzi Kereke sentenced to 14 years in Jail for rape

Zanu PF Bikita West MP Munyaradzi Kereke being taken to jail on Monday

Zanu PF Bikita West MP Munyaradzi Kereke has been sentenced to jail for 14 years for the 2010 rape of a minor.

Regional magistrate Noel Mupeiwa however, suspended four years on condition of good behaviour, which means he will serve an effective 10 years behind bars.

Kereke was found guilty of raping his wife’s 13-year-old niece in 2010. The businessman was however cleared of charges that he had also indecently assaulted her sister.

According to the case outline by the private prosecutor, sometime in March 2010, Kereke was alone with the then 13-year-old girl, whom he grabbed by the waist and pushed onto the couch before fondling her breasts.

The girl allegedly screamed, but no one heard her. On August 22, 2010, the girl’s young sister was allegedly asked to baby sit by Kereke’s wife.

When the baby fell asleep, the girl sat on the couch in the bedroom and Kereke allegedly started fondling her. He allegedly pointed the gun at the girl and threatened to shoot her if she did not comply with his orders and raped her.

Suspended Prosecutor General Johannes Tomana had declined to prosecute prompting the victim’s guardian Francis Maramwidze to pursue a private prosecution. Tomana also tried to block a private prosecution before the matter headed to a constitutional showdown.

Tomana was eventually forced to grant a private prosecution but has since been suspended for defying a court order on this and other matters. 

Source: Nehanda Radio

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