Wednesday 27 July 2016

Zim teen Sangoma claims to have HIV cure

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A Zimbabwean teenage sangoma has come out claiming she has the cure for HIV and is appealing to International Organisations to donate $4 million for her cure.

Margaret Moyo of Bulawayo in Matebeleland Province, said her ancestors showed her the cure for HIV Aids and she believes it does cure the deadly disease. 

The 18 year old sangoma said this cure will change the world and bring peace and harmony. When iMzansi contacted her, she requested R5000 for us to talk to her.

We eventually caught up with a close friend who accepted to do the interview for free. “Margaret claims to have the cure for HIV and she is selling it to the highest bidder starting at $4 million.”

It is reported Margaret even stopped going to school so she can prepare for he imminent wealth. “She is over the moon and feels her ancestors have finally blessed her with riches and wealth. She is already planning to buy lots of cattle and goats”, a family friend said. 

“She never told anyone what the medicine is but claims she has it and she has enough to cure millions of people but some people say she mixes the magic formular with a liquid that emits from her boobs”.

Since iMzansi did not have the requested, our journalist could only observe from a distance as Margaret went about her daily chores.

Source : iMzansi

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