Friday 16 September 2016

British ambassador to Saudi Arabia becomes first senior diplomat to convert to Islam

Simon Collis pictured with Syrian wife Huda al-Mujarkech standing at the front of the royal seal at the gate of the British Consulate in Mecca, dressed in the traditional white Ihram garments for the pilgrimage. He decided to convert to Islam 'after spending 30 years in Muslim societies'

The British ambassador to Saudi Arabia has become the first senior diplomat to convert to Islam and complete the Haj. 

Simon Collis, 60, said he had decided to convert to Islam 'after spending 30 years in Muslim societies'.

The father of five was pictured in the traditional white Ihram garments worn for the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, which every Muslim must make at least once in their lives.

Mr Collis is married to Syrian Huda al-Mujarkech. He had previously served as Britain's ambassador to Syria between 2007 until 2012, when diplomatic relations broke down between the UK and President Bashar al-Assad's regime. 

He has served in a string of Middle Eastern countries, including stints as ambassador in Iraq and Qatar and senior diplomatic positions in United Arab Emirates, Yemen, India and Tunisia.

It is understood Mr Collis discretely converted to Islam in 2011, shortly before he married his current wife Huda. 

Source: Dailymail

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