Friday 16 September 2016

Jah Prazah camp endorse Andy Muridzo

Jah Prayzah and Andy Muridzo

CONTEMPORARY music sensation Mukudzei  “Jah Prayzah” Makombe’s encampment has endorsed upcoming artiste Andy Muridzo whose fame has risen to unimaginable levels over the past few months despite him being labelled a Jah Prayzah impersonator.

This comes hot on the heels of widespread speculation by music fans and critics that the coming in of  Muridzo and the attention he has managed to amass over a short space of time would sink Jah Prayzah’s ship.

Muridzo who also hails from Jah Paryazah’s rural home in Uzumba, has attracted denigration from Jah Prayzah followers who believe Muridzo is a copycat and lacks originality both in the studio and on stage.

In an Interview with The Business Connect, Jah Prayzah’s manager Keen Mashapaidze said they had no problem with Muridzo “copying” their act and style as it shows their brand is being appreciated and inspiring other artistes.

“On Jah Prayzah’s behalf, we do not mind if other artistes think our genre is appealing enough and decide to venture into it, regardless of their strategy. We continue to support all upcoming artistes in their bid for success.

“Andy is a talented fellow and we wish him all the best, whether the way he does his act is good or bad, that’s for the fans but I am quite sure it is in a bid to grow and you should note that we do not grow in the same manner as artistes,” said Mashapaidze.

He added that having artistes with similarities to Jah Prayzah was rather encouraging and a sign of their brand’s strength in the industry.

“For us, having artistes with similarities to JP actually gives us the drive to go, because you have to be in the right direction for you to inspire people. If you notice some similarities in some upcoming artistes, it means you are in the right direction.”

Muridzo stormed the music vocation towards the end of 2016 with songs like Dai Ndanga Ndine Mari. His latest offering  Munenge Derira has propelled the young man to dizzy heights in the industry as evidenced by the number of shows he is holding around some of the most popular joints with popular names like Alick Macheso, Slizer amongst others.

Top Music analyst Fred Zindi said there was nothing wrong with Jah Prayzah helping Andy Muridzo even though he warned  that Muridzo had to work extra hard to get to Jah Prayzah’s level.

“Jah Prayzah is a humble man and is justified in supporting musical colleagues in the manner he is doing.  In this harsh economic climate, Jah Prayzah should assist anyone who needs his help. Jah Prayzah himself rose through the assistance of bigger artistes such as Oliver Mtukudzi.

“He can now compete on equal terms with Tuku. I am sure Tuku does not see Jah Prayzah as a threat and he knows what it takes for anyone to rise.  I have not seen enough of Muridzo’s shows to start comparing him with Jah Prayzah. However, given the momentum with which Jah Prayzah is rising, Muridzo will have a long battle before he catches up with him,” said Zindi.

Zindi aslo called on artistes who plagiarise or copy other artistes to at least show some decency and acknowledge originators of the songs.

Source: Business Connect

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