Sunday, 23 October 2016

Themba Mliswa wins Norton election

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Final results announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission show that Themba Mliswa won by over 2 700 votes in the Norton by-election.

Mliswa polled 8927 while Zanu PF had 6192 and Choga 89. Congratulatory messages have poured in for Mliswa. He had won despite the vote buying, violence and intimidation by the ruling party. Many say despite the Mliswa win the poll was still flawed.

But all agree that Mliswa managed to humiliate Zanu PF because he was the sole opposition candidate. If the MDC had fielded a candidate, Zanu PF would have romped home.

David Coltart said : “Whist Mliswa’s victory is good news must remember that there was a clear cut choice here between Zanu PF and 1 dominant opposition candidate.”

Douglas Mwonzora said :”Despite clear bribery and fraud Zanu PF still lost the Norton by-election. Congratulations Temba Mliswa.Congratulations NERA!”

Zimbabwe People First spokesman Jealousy Mawarire said :”As opposition political parties we have to learn from this. If u put in your all, it is possible!! Congrats blaz.”

Source: Online

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