Wednesday 14 December 2016

UN official warns Gambian strongman

JammehThe Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh will be "strongly sanctioned" if he refuses to give up power when his mandate ends on 19 January, the UN special envoy for West Africa has said. 

In an interview with Reuters news agency, Mohammed Ibn Chambas said:   

For Mr Jammeh, the end is here and under no circumstances can he continue to be president."
The electoral commission said that opposition candidate Adama Barrow obtained 222,708 votes (43.3%) compared with Mr Jammeh's 208,487 (39.6%) in the 1 December poll. 

A third candidate, Mama Kandeh, won 89,768 votes (17.1%). 

Mr Jammeh first took power in a 1994 coup and has been accused of leading one of the most repressive regimes in Africa.  

Source: BBC 

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