Sunday, 8 January 2017

Prophet Magaya in controversial video recording admitting to having an affair

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Prophet Walter Magaya was caught unawares in a recording as he revealed that he had an illicit affair with a lady called Petronella Donhodzo.

Magaya spoke openly in a conversation that was recorded without his knowledge at a police station in Harare.

The leader of PHD ministries tried to cover up this illicit affair by bribery but this soon backfired. He was at the police station in the company of his lawyer Mr. Chatambudza and one of his right hand man overseer Mango.

The video below was obtained by Zimbabwe News Live and they claim to have a lot more clips that have been made available.

Magaya talks of how those he had paid to cover his dirty works then turned to extort him blackmailing him that they would reveal all.

Magaya says in the video that he paid $10.000 to initially bury this story but those he paid kept coming back for more. 

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