Thursday 7 July 2016

Zanu PF responds to #ShutDownZimbabwe2016 stay away

Home Affairs minister Ignatius Chombo said Zanu PF was not moved by yesterday’s mass stayaway and threatened a ruthless clampdown on organisers of the demonstrations.

“The party has it on good authority that violent demonstrations witnessed in Beitbridge were sponsored by some MDC-T elements and other opposition parties in protesting against Statutory Instrument 64 of 2016,” he said.

Government insists the ban is meant to shore up local industry, although it has drawn the ire of many, who say it is unnecessary and choking informal traders.

“We are also aware that persons from across the bridge joined in protesting against the statutory instrument because they were also beneficiaries,” Chombo continued. “In Harare, the demonstrations were led by leaders of vendors’ organisations and some shadowy groups that call themselves by a variety of names and we know that they are being sponsored by the Western embassies and some failed parties.”

“State security organisations are working around the clock to put the situation under control and those found on the wrong side of the law will be severely dealt with. They are being seriously warned to desist from this unwanted behaviour.

“Zanu PF is quite steadfast and is focused on what we need to do and we cannot be shaken by these activities, not at all.”

Zanu PF political commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere said the party was sound and would soon deploy politburo members to apprise provincial executive members of Zanu PF’s strategies and direction, with Mugabe set to launch a series of rallies, starting with Mashonaland Central province tomorrow.


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