Friday 28 October 2016

Mugabe Loses It, Declares No Immunity For Thieving Ministers

President Robert Mugabe yesterday said he will not defend senior government and Zanu PF officials implicated in corrupt deals or abuse of public funds, vowing to let them face the full wrath of the law, provided there is sufficient evidence to support the allegations.

Addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters at the commissioning of Murongwe Primary School, built by the Air Force of Zimbabwe in Mt Darwin, Mashonaland Central province, Mugabe said all government and ruling party officials accused of corruption should have their day in court.

 “No one who breaches the law would be protected and those accused would be left to face the music. It is not good for one accused of improper conduct to be protected,” he said.

The 92-year-old leader, however, said he would not be pushed to act because of media reports.

Source: Zimeye

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