Tuesday 17 March 2015

Bogus cop arrested after arresting actual cop

A MAHATSHULA man who was in the habit of extorting money from people by pretending to be a police man, has been arrested after unknowingly accusing a cop of being a thief before trying to steal his cell phone. 

Norman Fana (30) was left with egg on the face when his victim produced police identification and arrested him. He appeared before Magistrate Sibongile Msipa Marondedze facing a charge of impersonation. 

He pleaded guilty and was jailed for 12 months. Fana however breathed a sigh of relief when the magistrate suspended six months of the sentence for five years on condition of good behaviour and the remaining six months on condition that he performs 210 hours of community service at Mahatshula primary School. 

The prosecutor Charles Danda said on Sunday at around 6pm, the real cop, Claudius Gwarazimba, was in the city centre and met Fana at the corner of Leopold Takawira and George Silundika. Fana allegedly accused Gwarazimba of being a wanted criminal.

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