Tuesday 17 March 2015

Creflo Dollar asks followers for $60 million in donations for a new jet

Pastor Creflo Dollar
"We are asking members, partners and supporters of this ministry to assist us in acquiring a Gulfstream G650," a video which was reportedly posted on the Creflo Dollar Ministries’ website says. According to CNN, the video has now been removed from the website following backlash on social media.

The church which was founded by Pastor Creflo Dollar posted the video in which the church’s partners are requested to make a donation towards a new plane.

"We need your help to continue reaching a lost and dying world for the Lord Jesus Christ,” it states.

“In 1999, Creflo Dollar ministries purchased a 1984 aircraft for the specific purpose of reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ but on a recent trip, the 30 year old aircraft experienced a mechanical failure.”

“Today the plane is permanently out of service but the work of the ministry must go on,” the video narrator is heard saying.”

It goes on to detail that if ‘200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more’, the goal to purchase the G650 airplane would be reached.

As expected the request did not sit well with the general public.

“If #CrefloDollar doesn't have enough money for a new plane maybe this is God's way of saying it's time to fly coach” tweeted ‏@BillWest5.

@ShaneClaiborne: Just a thought: If your pastor's last name is "Dollar" and makes 10 times more than you... Don't give him your money.

However his congregants still stand behind him.

"Most definitely. Most definitely. We support our pastor. That's what we're here for. The work that he's doing, where the Lord has him travelling, he doesn't need a cheap airplane. He needs the best," one of them told cbs46.com.

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