Tuesday 23 June 2015

'Don't call us by our trade name,' says Bulawayo prostitutes

SEX workers in Bulawayo have demanded respect and urged the public to refrain from calling them "hookers" as they are human beings too.

Speaking at a workshop organised by Sex Rights Centre (SRC) on Friday in Bulawayo, the sex workers said they were being abused by the media and police despite the fact that they had rights. 

"We want to be recognised as human beings. Why do you call us hookers in the first place? We are not hookers, but sex workers," one sex workers who preferred anonymity said

"I have been doing this job for the past 22 years and I have children at high school. So to me this is a profession.

"The media should treat us fairly, so should the police. Media is busy denigrating us while the police abuse us by arresting us for loitering and after that demand free sex." Southern Eye

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