Monday 19 October 2015

Is Macheso contemplating hiring former band members?

Alick Macheso
Alick Macheso is reportedly considering rehiring some of the rebels from his Orchestra Mberikwazvo camp for the production of his long-awaited album.

Macheso, sources say, has been doubting the capabilities of his new team after the departure of Noel Nyazanda, Francis "Franco Slomo" Dhaka, Jonasi Kasamba and Obert Gomba when they formed Extra Kwazvose three years ago.

Sources say fears forced him to rope in Nyazanda for the layout of guitars, but the decision has reportedly since been reversed after the feisty guitarist went around back biting his former boss.

"Nyazanda went around telling people that Macheso could not do anything without him and that angered the Sungura ace who reversed the deal. That is one of the reasons the album has been delayed," said a source.

Orchestra Mberikwazvo manager Lucky Macheso, however, refuted the claims and said Nyazanda had never stepped into the new studio.

He said although they remained friends, he had not been hired by Macheso.

"We are always together with Nyazanda and other former band members, but they have not been rehired. The band is intact and we are confident with it, so I do not know where that is coming from," said Lucky.

He said Macheso was done with the recording of the instruments and was now concentrating on vocals.

Lucky also shot down speculation that his uncle and boss was on the verge of rehiring Franco Slomo and Kasamba.

"People always speak and it is pretty normal that whenever there is too much silence, they speculate. That is all speculation and nothing more," he said.

"What I can tell you, is that our studio is now up and running although it is only Mudhara [Macheso] who is using it. Everything is going according to plan. As soon as he is done with the recording of vocals, then we wait for the mixing and mastering, which should be done very soon."

He said people should go and witness for themselves when Macheso performs at Wedza Spaceman 2 in Glen Norah on Sunday (today) where he said they would be showcasing some of the tracks.

"We did many tracks but the album will have seven tracks. People should come on Sunday and hear for themselves.

Even Mudhara himself has been saying it that he would be giving his fans a taste of what the album sounds like on Sunday," he said.

Tich Makahamadze, Macheso's public relations manager, said the album should be done well in time for Christmas.

"There are just a few parts left for the album and I am sure next week we will be in a position to give you a more comprehensive update. The album will be done well in time for Christmas, so fans have to be patient," said Makahamadze.

Efforts to get a comment from Nyazanda were fruitless on Friday as he was was not reachable on his mobile phone.

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