Sunday 18 October 2015

64 year Old grandma impregnated by a married man

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A 64-year old granny from a squatter camp near Killarney in Bulawayo pulled a shocker when she allegedly eloped to a married lover(age not given) claiming she was big with his s-perm.

An amused and expecting gogo Tryphine Moyo broke the surprise news last week Friday(9 October) at the Bulawayo civil court where her lover Morgan Sibanda ‘s wife Christine Dube had dragged her while seeking a peace order against her,

Dube said Moyo was disturbing her peace by allegedly sleeping with her husband.

Dube claimed that her 19 year old childless marriage to Sibanda was on the brink of collapse because of Moyo who allegedly eloped to her husband claiming she was carrying his child.The troubled Dube later appealed to the court to have have her pregnant rival evicted from her house.

“I am the applicant in this matter and the respondent Tryphine Moyo is my husband;s small house .She eloped to my husband saying he impregnated her.I am surprised how she got pregnant taking into account her old age.She is 64 years old .

I want her to find her own accommodation .It seems my husband is afraid to tell me that he no longer loves me after I failed to bear him children and Dube is taking advantage of that.

“She is always insulting me and she forcibly took my clothes and plates which she refused to give me back.Despite the fact that she is pregnant I want this court to stop her from sleeping with my husband” said Dube.

When was asked to respond Moyo however stunned the presiding magistrate Brighton Tuwe when she confirmed she was indeed labouring with Sibanda s child.

“Yes its true that I am pregnant and the applicant s husband is the father of the baby i am carrying.Although I am sleeping with her husband I never stole her clothes and plates or insulted her as she is alleging ,she voiced.

The seemingly shocked magistrate postponed the matter to Monday asking the two parties to bring Sibanda who is at the centre of the love quarrel.

Sibanda on Monday turned up and confirmed that his mistress moved into his house after he impregnated her.

Moyo who seemed to have sensed the humiliation of a trial ,did not turn up leading to the magistrate to grant the order in favour of Dube ordering her rival not to disturb her peace by insulting her and taking her property as well as going to her home.

Source-B metro

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