Monday 19 October 2015

Prophet Magaya confirms 'cold-war' with Prophet Makandiwa

Prophet Magaya
Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries leader Walter Magaya has revealed that there is a cold-war at play between him and Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.

 He said he last saw him six years ago. In extracts gleaned from NewsDay, Magaya said  his relationship with Makandiwa  is ‘Very good, I have no problems with him, not at all".

Asked further about tension between the two he said :"Well it's true, but I have not heard him say anything bad about me and I have not said anything bad about him. " You know what, Makandiwa is older than me, he started his ministry earlier than me, and he is probably more mature than me, so I have nothing personal against him.

"Yes, there is a silent war, especially with those that started earlier; they feel challenged at the rate at which we are growing. Even if it was me, I would feel challenged. 

Obviously, there are those who feel challenged because people who used to go to their churches are now coming to us. They are asking themselves what it is that we are doing which they are not doing right? I have recordings of some pastors who accuse me of being a Satanist, but I have just kept that to myself".

 Magaya said he last saw Makandiwa six years ago.

 "Six years ago, but I have nothing against him, although I last spoke to him over the phone recently. Well, he is busy and I am also busy, what do people say? I mean you guys in the media hear a lot of things". Newsday

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