Thursday 8 October 2015

Live bullet dumped at James Maridadi doorstep

Hon James Maridadi
MABVUKU-TAFARA MP James Maridadi yesterday told Parliament that his family was now living in fear after a live bullet was dumped at his doorstep on Monday.

“Madam Speaker, on Monday morning I received a live bullet, which was placed at my doorstep, with a note saying ‘watch out’,” he said.

“I bring this to the attention of Parliament, but the matter has been reported to a Zimbabwe Republic Police department carrying out investigations on the matter.”

“Yesterday I received phone calls from a number from outside the country and they have also kept phoning my wife’s cellphone numbers. I have brought this matter before the House because it deserves attention.”

Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Mabel Chinomona promised to look into the matter. Newsday

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