Sunday 18 October 2015

Mother furious after discovering that 14 year old son was bonking her 46 year old best friend

A Kuwadzana woman, Mercy Changare is breathing fire after discovering a relationship between her 14-year-old son and her 46-year-old best friend.

Sources close to the incident suggest that the best friend, only identified as Mai Zee was in the habit of offering her bedroom services to Mercy’s son whose identity can not be revealed to protect the minor.

The illicit affair came to light when Mercy’s 14 year old son started to suffer pain on his ‘bedroom stick’ and asked his mother to take him to see a doctor.

The young boy was evasive at first telling his mother he had a stomach ache. However the suspecting mother pressed her son to reveal his true ailment and that is when he told her that his manhood was swollen and he was in excruciating pain.

The worried mother further interrogated her son until he revealed the ugly truth that he and Mai Zee were engaging in ‘bedroom gymnastics’ on a regular basis. The boy went into the gory details and explained that he would go to Mai Zee’s house and she would invite him into her bedroom,undress him and arouse the minor to the point of no return, before engaging in s-ex.

Mai Zee is a widow and she stays alone.

The enraged Mercy promptly reported the matter to Kuwadzana police station where she opened a case of rape against her best friend. Mai Zee was taken in for questioning and later released.No explanation was given for her release.

Our news crew contacted Mercy for comment and she said,”Mwanangu handina kana neremuromo. Munhu wandaitruster andigura kunorira, Ugoona ndaitombosiya vana kumba kwake dzimwe nguva ndichienda kubasa ndichiti vana vakachengeteka,Ndapererwa”

Attempts to get comments from Mai Zee where unsuccessful as her mobile went unanswered as of going to print.


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