Wednesday 7 October 2015

Trevor Dongo mourns Takudzwa Paradza

The late Takudzwa Paradza
The late Takudzwa Paradza
Urban groover Trevor Dongo says the death of Takudzwa Paradza, who succumbed to cancer in India, was heart wrecking.

Dongo took to his Facebook wall and said the story was touching adding that he finds himself shedding tears every time he thinks of Taku’s battle.

“Every time I look at this picture I just can’t help it but break down and cry …. Some people might be asking themselves if I was related to this bright, intelligent young man but I believe that under GOD’S eyes we are all related.

“But why at such a young age? Why? What crime did he commit to suffer zvakadaro mhedzisiro kwave kuzongoshaya hupenyu? Rega zvinzi “the good die chokwadii,” he said.

Recounting how he and other musicians had helped fundraise for Taku’s treatment, Trevor said it was painful that all that had been in vain.

“I remember teaming up with my fellow musicians for a fundraising concert in Mt Pleasant chishuwo chiri chekuti dai?#?Taku? Akwanisa kuenda munin’na, dai wakawonao ramamgwana rako kujeka kwarainge rakaita…..

“Tongoramba tichizvinyaradza nemashoko ekuti ‘kwawakaenda wawana zororo nekuti wave pedyo na Mwari. Ronda rawakasiya wadzika nechinyoreso chinopisa kupora kwaro zvichatora nguva munin’na,” added Trevor.

Meanwhile Taku’s Body is still in India and the family is still appealing for money to settle hospital bills and for repatriation. So far US$ 7720 has been raised through the Takudzwa Paradza Repatriation Fund, CBZ BANK Sapphire House Branch 03324230680010 while U.S. $ 4800 has been raised through GoFund Me , bringing the amount to US$ 12520.

The family is in need of US$19 500 to settle hospital bills that accrued during Taku’s stay at the Bangalore cancer centre and for repatriation costs.

“We are appealing to everyone to help us bring the boy home to rest. I know you have done it before, we appreciate any pledge,” said Juliet who is the late Taku’s aunt. Any well wishers can use the CBZ account or Ecocash Juliet on 0773591580.

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