Tuesday 3 November 2015

Touting inspired Killer T to sing

Killer T born Kelvin Kusikwenyu
Killer T
Success does not come on a silver platter. Most successful celebrities have worked hard and in most cases their stories begin with humble tales. Such is the journey of star, Killer T who is one of the popular Zimdancehall musicians in the country.

Born Kelvin Kusikwenyu, the dancehall star never had a dream of becoming a popular singer. He worked as a rank marshal and never thought he would be popular in any other field.

“I worked in the public transport industry as a rank marshal and that was the time when I learnt a lot,” he said.

He said a lot of things that happened as he worked with many people in the transport industry inspired him to pen some songs and that was the beginning of his career.

“Those days when I worked with the public kumakombi inspired me a lot. Everyday life and people around me gave me the courage to sing.” His song “Makarova Gunners” released in 2012 changed the musician’s life. 

The song became an anthem to most ghetto youths and was followed by a string of singles that made the musician a house hold name. He released an album “Ngoma Ndaimba” that has become the darling of many music lovers.

The album has songs that carry social messages that appeal to all ages. He spent most of his time in Mbare, one of the oldest suburbs in Harare, and his fan-base in the area continues to grow.

Youths in high-density suburbs call him “Chairman”. “Ghetto youths tagged me ‘chairman of Zimdancehall’ after seeing my hard work and hearing my songs that are relevant and identify with what they see and do on daily basis,” he said.

He is eager to work harder and poor performances at some of his previous shows have inspired him to establish a live band.

“We have heard people’s grievances and we have since put in place some measures to make sure fans get the best. Among them is the introduction of live band,” he said.

Like many other dancehall musicians in Mbare the musician now owns a studio in the suburb. “Life is all about working and one has to work and try all avenues. Music rewards you after hard work,” he said.

Reports suggested that the musician is addicted to drugs with some suggesting that he spends most of his time drunk.

He had this to say, “I am a sober guy. Even if you ask those I associate with they will tell you I am straight in my dealings. I am focused on working hard so that my music makes an impact on the society. Without the society there is no music and all this demands that an artist be sober and focused,” he said.

Recently there was a story of a young woman whom he allegedly dated. The woman died in an accident that happened when the two were reportedly on a ‘road race’ with their cars.

The musician, however, refused to give his comment on the story. Instead, he decided to tell this reporter that he was married and has a son and stays with his family in Belverdere. The Herald

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