Friday 29 January 2016

13 year old Mutare boy found with a skull,reveals shocking secrets of his initiation into Satanism

The boy
RESIDENTS of Mutare’s Greenside low-density suburb were shocked after a teenager was found in possession of a skull wrapped in a red and black cloth which he claimed was part of his tools of the trade in Satanism.

Clad in a white and green cap inscribed 666, the 13-year-old teenager (name supplied), a Form One pupil at a city college in the Eastern border city confirmed that he was a fairly new recruit in the underworld of Satanism.

He said he was going through an initiation period under the tutelage of his elder brother, aged 22.

Even their father, (name supplied), who passionately urged the news crew to expose his sons’ shenanigans, confirmed that his sons were into Satanism saying their behaviour troubled him.

Apparently, the teenager had absconded school last Thursday when he was caught after preparing a resting place between Number 4 and 6, Abis Close in Greenside.

When our source arrived at the scene, the teenager was being interrogated while seated in the loading box of a Toyota Vigo Hilux with blood spots on his face.

He was under the watchful eye of Thales Kamhunga, the man who saw and went for the teenager, one Muchinguri, who owns one of the residential properties close to where the youngster had been caught and a small group of anxious residents.

Kamhunga said he noticed the teenager sitting comfortably at a makeshift resting place on the boundary of the two residential properties.

“I saw him when I was coming out of the gate. He tried to hide behind the pre-cast wall, but I had spotted him. I had also noticed a small black satchel. I approached him with the intention of asking him what he was up to.

“When he saw me coming, he tried to run away. I ran after him and tossed him to the ground. We then asked him what he was doing and why he was running away. At first he could not give us a satisfactory answer. We then went straight for the bag and discovered that there was a skull of a dead animal which was wrapped in a red and black cloth. He later admitted that he uses the skull and the cloth together with other items in their Satanism rituals,” he said.

The teenager was also in possession of two small sachets of mbanje. He said he was in his early stages of initiation into satanic acts.

“Ndanga ndichitobva ku fazh na 1. Ndangouyawo kungo chillawo ipapo. Ava vabva vangondionawo. Vafungidzira kuti I am trespassing (I was just coming from school and I decided to take a rest here. They saw me and thought I was trespassing,” he said.

Asked about the skull he said: “Musoro wembwa. It is like a Satanism ritual. I am not yet full time into it, but this is part of my early initiation. If you want to get finer details we can go and see my brother. He is the one who is leading me.”

“At the moment I am not yet into Satanism, but I am still trying to get accepted (sic). I am not getting the reply. Mdhara kungo follower kwandinenge ndichiita, but handisati ndabvumwa. 

Ndiri kuto follower brother yangu inogara munaKingfisher. Kana muchida handei kwaari munzwe zvese (Brother, I am just following the Satanism cult but I have not yet been accepted. If you really want to hear all the detail let us go to my brother who stays in Kingfisher).”

Muchinguri later drove to the youngster’s home in the same suburb where the teenager’s father passionately urged our source to expose his sons’ shenanigans.

“Gentleman I do not know how you managed to get hold of this boy. I am actually happy that this is finally going to be exposed. I have nothing to hide because I have had sleepless nights over the behaviour of these kids.

“Together with his brother they are into Satanism and this has created friction between my family and our neighbours. The brother he is talking about stays here and not in Kingfisher. I am living a pathetic life because of them. The elder brother once went to South Africa where he was initiated into Satanism.

“On numerous occasions, I have burnt scary paraphernalia that I occasionally come across in the house. The challenge is that we are not united as a family to deal with this problem. Their mother is defensive, yet it is clear that our sons are wayward. Right now I do not even know which school he is going to.

“My wife just pays school fees behind my back. Can you tell me the reason for paying school fees for a boy who does not even go to the school and spends time exploring ways of killing people? You can go ahead and expose them. 

I really want other parents to be aware that their kids could be enticed into such evil acts and therefore they need to be careful. Hardly a month ago one of my brothers, a prophet with a local church came here and prayed over my sons’ behaviour. He sensed danger,” he said.

The teenager was later taken to Mutare Central Police Station where he was fined $20 for possessing mbanje. Police could not charge him over his involvement in Satanism owing to lack of legal instruments that relate to one’s participation in that cult.

Source-Manica Post

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