Thursday 10 March 2016

Baba Manyeruke to release a new Album

Baba Manyeruke
REVERED as the godfather of local gospel music, Mechanic Manyeruke seemed to have walked away from the studio following the loss of his favourite guitar, whose distinct sound had become the defining mark of his music.

But the musician said he was not putting away the microphone yet after some fans in the United Kingdom gifted him with another guitar during a sojourn to the British country.

“I was recently in the United Kingdom when some gentlemen asked me why I was no longer playing my usual and original guitar tunes. 

I told them I no longer had my favourite guitar. They bought me a brand new guitar. I am going to record an album soon and I will dedicate the CD to them. I will go back to the United Kingdom to hand over a CD to them,” the pioneering local gospel musician said.

 Speaking during a talk show on local radio on Wednesday night, the 72-year-old Manyeruke said although he was slowing down, retirement was not part of his plans as he would perform only at “special occasions”.

He likened himself to British pop star Cliff Richard who is still active in music at 75.

“It is difficult to drop music if you are still able to write, sing and play the guitar. I will not say that I will retire, but will slow down a little bit. Look at Cliff Richard, he is ageing, but still into music. I will be performing on special occasions,” said Manyeruke.

Affectionately known as Baba Manyeruke because of his fatherly aura, the Makorokoto hitmaker was born on August 16, 1942. He has recorded over 25 albums in a long music career.

He said he considered it a blessing that he had two children in music, dancehall chanter Emmanuel (Guspy Warrior) and his elder brother, Alexander, whom he tipped to take over from him.

“Guspy and Alexander are doing quite well. The situation is like this, we are in the same field and we are planting different seeds. I am overwhelmed by Alex because his debut album is really a gem. I like the songs Fambai Neni and Writing on the Wall,” he said.

Source – Newsday

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