Saturday 5 March 2016

Balotelli donates 50% of his salary to disadvantaged children in Africa, Italy and Brazil


Celebs Who Give Back: For the ones who do not know, Mario Balotelli gives 50% of his salary to kids in Africa, which shows a little different personality from what everybody thinks. 

Mario Balotelli also gives 50% of his salary to poor children not only in Africa but also in Italy and Brazil. He supports the rehabilitation work of children of Casa del Sole Onlus, a nonprofit organization.

Mario also supported the Cuey Machar Secondary school helping out to ensure the completion of the school in Sudan. It was his idea to build the school to give the Sudanese children an alternative to weapons and fighting. 

Mario also donates his earnings from sales of the children books written by Luigi Garlando to an organization which provides humanitarian aid in about 63 countries, for people whose survival is at risk due to violence, natural catastrophe, war, epidemics, malnutrition and lack of health care.

In Brazil, Mario supports the “Un Ponte per il Futuro” (A Bridge for the Future) project, which offers help to several local association committed to providing education for the children who live in one of the most notorious in Salvador de Bahia, where overcrowding, lack of services, poverty and violence put many children at permanent risk. 

His charitable work is tremendous and he does so without making a fuss about it.

Do you criticize him? Have you changed your mind now? He’s a great person!

Source: Africancelebs

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