Tuesday 8 March 2016

Macheso offers Faheem recording contract

SUNGURA maestro Alick Macheso has once again extended a helping hand to the late Daiton Somanje’s son, Faheem, by offering him a free recording contract at his Alema Studios.

Speaking during celebrations to commemorate Legends Sports Diner’s proprietor Daniel Masaiti’s Music Promoter of the Year win at the 2015 edition of the National Merit Awards, on Saturday, Faheem described Macheso as a father.

This was after he had shared the stage with the Mundikumbuke hit-maker.

“I am happy with the latest developments in my music career. Macheso has offered me an opportunity to record my album at his recording stable. I was not expecting this from him after all the other things he has done for Pengaudzoke since my father died. He has been playing a fatherly role and I owe him a lot,” he said.

 “Pengaudzoke under the leadership of Faheem will record its first album end of this month. The album is yet to be named but it will contain eight songs.”

After the death of Daiton, Macheso “adopted” Faheem who has been the curtain-raiser during his shows in and out of Marondera.

Faheem, who ventured into the music industry five years ago with his band Tokudai Mose, has been struggling to record an album due to financial constraints.

Meanwhile, Macheso announced the return of popular chanter Jonasi Kasamba to the Orchestra Mberikwazvo outfit and described the move as a permanent one.

“Let me tell you that Jonasi is back, adzoka kumhatso (He has returned home) and this time he is going nowhere,” Macheso told his fans, eliciting wild cheers from the crowd.

Kasamba left Ochestra Mberikwazvo in 2012 for greener pastures only to find himself in the wilderness before deciding to retrace his footsteps to Macheso’s camp.

Source – Newsday

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